As Declan said: “Barack Obama isn’t President of Elect anymore.”
Words from today’s inaugural speech:
Hail to the chief!
And Amen, Reverend Lowery. Amen.
An artist friend of ours sent out an email saying that he had taken down the handmade “Impeach Bush” sign from his front porch, and replaced it with a new one that says, simply: “PEACH!”
I think that’s the right disposition for this time. In between every cataclysmic financial headline I read, there is another about the way our country will change in January that fills me with hope and relief. Today I see plans for the closing of Guantanamo being made. What wrongs will we begin to right tomorrow? And what will we begin to aim for that is about building anew, not just fixing broken things?
I am honored to be among those included in the October Just Posts today. In a time of real change, the nurturing of these ideas becomes more important than ever. Go on over and click on a few of the inspiring posts. You won’t regret it.
Another thing that made me weepy as any this week was watching people I disagree with politically — be they John McCain, Condoleezza Rice, Karl Rove and even the current president — weighing in on the historical significance of the moment, complimenting Obama on running such a positive campaign and expressing their pride in our country for crossing this threshhold. It made me hopeful that this really could be another chance for the unity that we seemed so open to, but failed to achieve in 2001.
Given a few days, there’s certainly been plenty of vitriol as well, but here’s a site about healing from zefrank. They are messages from the 52 percent of the country that voted for Obama, addressed to the 48 percent that voted McCain:
I’m one of those people who has an emotional attachment to nearly everything in my house. I have inherited a lot of items once held by grandparents or great-grandparents, kept physical reminders of my own childhood and saved many reminders of moments during and before my marriage, of other people who have passed, of times and travels I want to remember. Much of my house is a map of myself and my family, filled with landmarks.
This makes me pretty annoying to live with, because there are things that look like garbage to my husband, which are decidedly not garbage to me. He’s failed me more than once on this count – and some piece of my history has rumbled off to the landfills.
It also makes me not a very good Buddhist, since it doesn’t exactly help me accept impermanence.
But I do find that there are a lot of objects out there with an interesting story. So, I’m examining some of the items people have put up for auction that have little material value, but rich stories behind them at, a sort of blotter of items that are for sale with an unusual narrative. I’m not looking for things that necessarily have a bizarre element, so much as a personal story behind them. So if you have a couple of minutes, give the site a visit and let me know what you think.
Some of the best posts and news items that I read on this day of blurred truths and sur-realities:
A victim treats his mugger to dinner
IRS considers tax exempt status for bloggers
NASA to burn sponsor logos into the surface of Mars
Po voted out of the Teletubbies pod
Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes
First off, my friend and colleague in storytelling, Peggie, er, Meg, just unveiled her own blog, Prefers Her Fantasy Life. She is not only a terrific writer, she’s extremely funny. Please go check her out and leave some comments. Help her feel the love of the blogosphere!
Meanwhile, I’ve been noodling with a new blog of my own about writing – a companion to my professional web site, which I’ve named Write Armed. If you are inclined to partake in wonky discussions about trends in journalism and the craft of writing, please join me over there (or send anyone that you think would be interested).
Although I signed up for it a while back, I’ve finally been discovering the joys of Twitter this week. If you’re on, you can follow me there.
P.S. Especially for parents: I know some places you can go if you need a good cry.
It wasn’t that intense of a week, though it felt like it was. I’ve been working on some of my regular work, on finding some work and on a new blog.
I’ve also been feeling reflective about Arthur C. Clarke’s return to stardust as well as the advances we’re making when it comes to finding signs of life outside of our solar system. It makes you think we really meet intelligent E.T. within 20 years, as some astronomers predict, the same way U.S. women got the right to vote 14 years after the cause’s longest living champion died. If that’s so, we need Star Trek now more than ever. And Declan needs language classes.
I’ve also read a lot of great stuff online this week.
Today, Ask Moxie had an extremely helpful guest post about toddler discipline. Their seminars seem too pricey, but I’ve subscribed to the Proactive Parenting newsletter.
Lastly, if you’re gearing up for Easter’s sugar, here you can watch a bunch of strange videos that feature Peeps.
Have a happy weekend.
I am having a good week!
Author and venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki has deemed my little blog worthy of a spot on the moms page at Alltop. (Thanks to Amy for the heads up that it’s there!) The site is a brand-new “digital magazine rack” put together by the creators of Truemors with single pages of links to the latest web stories on a variety of topics, including design, egos, science, politics, music and a bunch of others. There’s even a Twitterati section that features top messages from a bunch of the top Twitter-ers. According to the site’s about page, they are “trying to enhance your online reading by both displaying stories from the sites that you’re already visiting and helping you discover sites that you didn’t know existed.”
That of course means that there, alongside the heavy-hitters of the blogging mom world like Dooce, Parent Hacks, Finslippy, Confessions of a Pioneer Woman, and Strollerderby are some lesser-known mommy sites, including mine!
You can read more about Alltop on Webware, or watch an interview with Kawasaki about it on Mashable.