1) Upon listening to “She’s Leaving Home” with his dad, he comes looking for mom, a crushed expression on his face. “It’s so sad!” He says, shaking his head. “The baby is gone. She’s just gone!”
2) When you’re sitting together and “For the Benefit of Mr. Kite” comes on, he looks at you and says “Oh, this is a really good psychedelic one.”
3) It’s indescribably awesome to hear him sing “With a Little Help From My Friends” and “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” at the top of his lungs while doing a full-body toddler dance.
4) Every song he hears that he likes on the radio, television, elevator, grocery store speakers, he asks “Is this the Beatles?”
I never thought I’d meet another mother of such rabid Beatlemaniacs as my own.
On the television currently is ‘A Hard Day’s Night’, as always unless it’s ‘Help!’ and in the car is a compilation of Beatles tunes. Oh wait; we watch ‘Srgt Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band’ [the movie with the Bee Gees] and ‘LOVE: Cirque de Soleil’ quite a bit as well.
Actually, the movie just went off and my 2 year old is yelling ‘Beadies!!’ in an attempt to have me restart it. Again. AGAIN.
It is cute though…and it’s good to know they’re in good company. 🙂
I love it! I let my kids listen to Kid Stuff on satellite radio but for the most part we listen to the classics. I get a little tear in my eye when we play name that band and Zane comes up with The Police after hearing just a few notes from King of Pain.
That is awesome! We do show tunes 😉
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