Medicine mantras

Today, hundreds of people are pulling for Whymommy, a scientist and the mother of two young boys (ages one and three), who has candidly, bravely shared her struggle with Inflammatory Breast Cancer online. Dozens of people have joined Team Whymommy to build a “wall of support” for her over the last seven months, but all good wishes from strangers (or, as she calls them, new friends) are welcome at her blog. She is undergoing a double mastectomy today and her husband will be reading all of the comments and well-wishes that are left online for her as she recovers from the surgery. The hope, after weeks of chemo, is that there will be clear margins around the cancer, so that it may all be removed safely from her body.

Also, a woman who gives an unbelievable amount of time and energy to the Buddhist temple where I have learned so much will be waiting through her mother’s extensive surgery today. The doctors will be trying to find and remove multiple tumors from her abdomen in a procedure that will take several hours. Some members of the sangha will recite the Medicine Buddha mantra, Chenrezig’s compassion mantra or the Tashi Prayer and dedicate the merit to her family.

Whatever your belief system, try and make a little space in your thoughts and hearts for these women and the people that love them.

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2 thoughts on “Medicine mantras”

  1. What an uplifting story. I had an aunt who died of breast cancer. I also have friends who have experienced this health obstacle. One girlfriend participated in a dragon boat fundraiser as part of her way to overcome the hold that illness ahd over her. Many people feel touched somehow by cancer and we can all learn different ways of interpreting what it means in our lives.

    Some people refer to the excerpt in The Secret. A woman tells her story of using positive thinking to believe she was already healed from breast cancer. It worked for her. Within 3 months of her own laughter therapy and positive thinking, she was healed without radiation or chemotherapy. She used the power of attitude. We may truly underestimate our inner power as human beings. This is an invitation to transform.

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